Pork Bavette

$14 0.6-0.75 LBS / SHIPS FROZEN


If you know and love the beef bavette, you can't go wrong with this petite pork equivalent. We were looking for something that could rival the pork secreto -  marbled, tender, and full of pork flavor. Our search led us to the pork bavette and pork flank, both unique, delicious, and meaty cuts. Watch our co-founder James explain this cut.

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In It?

meat location illustration

This cut is from the belly, or flank, of the animal.

This cut does best with a quick sear in a hot skillet. Serve medium and make sure to slice against the grain after resting.

Not just a piece of meat

Great flavor starts in the field. At Porter Road, we partner with farmers who raise their animals on pasture, for a difference you can taste.

Learn more about our process